Planning a bicycle touring trip is kind of like a dream. It’s one of those dreams that you can make a reality if you put your mind to it. If it’s something exciting you dreamt about after waking up out of bed or maybe from your desk job, you ink it. Just don’t let it fall away because sometimes it never comes back. Whether it’s your first trip or your tenth one, the feeling of excitement, wonder and fear is very much the same. I often think about bike touring on a daily basis. I have my first ever bike tour to blame for that. That may look something like biking across Mt Baldy in California, or riding across the Salt Flats in Bolivia for a month. But since America is one of the only developed countries where people get less than 4 weeks off a year, I have to plan wisely to make the most out of my time. A lot has changed for me since the pandemic. Work, life, balance, the three relatives where I spend most of my time battling to figuring out. But to give some guidance and insight on the most wonderful thing you can do, is to germinate your dreams of traveling and on a bicycle at that. Get ready, stay excited for the beginning of another epic bike tour.
Dwayne Burgess (Manual Pedal)
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